About Me

I am a parent coach. I received my MSW from Simmons School of Social Work and have been a licensed social worker practicing in the greater Boston area for over 20 years. My dream has always been to work with parents on the most important job in their lives. In my practice and in my blog I want parents to be heard, supported and informed in order to feel empowered to be effective as parents. I love helping parents find joy and mastery in their parenting.

"Stop trying to perfect your child, but keep trying to perfect your relationship with him" - Dr. Henker

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Misbehavior, Mistakes and Self Esteem

One dilemma that comes up in parenting is wanting to instill the drive for positive, productive, accomplished behavior, but not wanting to produce children that don’t have the skills to manage when they are not great at something, or when they try and fail.

Sometimes children make mistakes, and sometimes they misbehave.  When they make mistakes, we can provide an environment safe enough to admit the mistake.  We can encourage them to try to do something to correct it if possible or appropriate.  It is okay for children to feel upset that they did something wrong.  This is how they develop a conscience, and this is how they discover that it feels better when they don’t misbehave!

What we want to avoid is children feeling like they “are bad” as opposed to have acted in a bad way.  This sense of feeling like one is bad is shame.  Shame is a devastating emotion, and gives rise to feelings of depression, and low self esteem.

Self-esteem is a bit of a controversial concept these days.  Some people think parents got too conscious of self esteem by making sports teams less competitive, giving every child a trophy, emphatically praising every scribbled picture, ignoring misbehavior in the name of not stifling their creativity

I believe that children need to love themselves, and feel that they are basically good.  This does not come from letting children misbehave rather than hurt their feelings, giving every member of the team an MVP trophy, or praising things that the children know themselves are not very skillfully done.

Children feel good when they are unconditionally loved, when we listen to them, and they know that they are seen and heard.  Children feel self esteem when they are taught what the limits are, get firm but kind responses when they test them, and appropriate consequences when they misbehave.  They feel good about themselves when they get very specific praise for their accomplishments, and in age appropriate ways begin to do tasks for themselves successfully. 

It is great for them to be in an environment where they can try new things, and know they will be rewarded for effort even if it takes time to succeed at the new task.  They benefit from hearing that everyone isn’t the best at every task; everyone has their own strengths and challenges.

They thrive when they know that everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes behaves inappropriately, but that they can be corrected or disciplined without feeling shame, i.e.: feeling that they are intrinsically bad.  They thrive when they know discipline occurs in the context of unconditional love.

 It can be comforting to remember that the most effective form of teaching children is modeling ourselves the behavior we would like to see from them. If they see us misbehave or make a mistake, and we can admit it and talk about it, they are much more likely to be able to do so as well.

For misbehavior, we can emphasize that the behavior was not appropriate but we will always love them! Then it is important to do the teaching about what was problematic about the behavior. It can be easy for us as adults to think that children know as much as we do about what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior.   In reality, they don’t necessarily intuitively know that, and it’s our job to teach them.

If they have been previously told about a specific misbehavior, and continue to do it, we can establish consequences for misbehaving, that we put into effect quickly and consistently, if possible without losing control or yelling, and without long lectures.  These are not effective.

If they make a mistake, we can point out that everyone makes mistakes, the important thing is to own up to it, apologize and if possible make amends.

There is an important difference between misbehavior and mistakes, although with children, it can sometimes be hard to tell which is actually happening!

Most parents have the experience of coming into a room, literally seeing a child obviously misbehaving or breaking a family rule, and when confronted, the child denies it.  Or similarly, a child accidentally spills something, but they blame it on a sibling. If this happens frequently, or over time, it may be a sign that children are feeling so worried about misbehavior, or making a mistake that they need to lie about it by denying it or blaming someone else.

There are mistakes like accidentally knocking over your water with your elbow, which are unintentional.  These things happen, and it’s great to have a handy phrase like, “oops, a mistake, it happens.” If appropriate the child can help in cleaning it up.  If this happens frequently it may be helpful to see of there’s something preventative that can be done, by providing a cup with a lid on busy mornings or

Children can also insist on doing a task like pouring water for themselves when they don’t yet have that fine or gross motor skill motor needed for the task. 

This is an instance where balance is really important.  Children really benefit from learning to take risks, and try things, even if they fail. It’s so important for them to be able to do that in a safe place like your home.

But the busy morning rush on a school day might not be the best time to try.  So again, preventatively, you can try to find a small plastic picture with a lid that’s easier to negotiate, or have the liquids all poured out before the child comes to the table.  In the interest of time, and your own sanity you might just need to pour out the drink, despite the child getting upset about wanting to do it herself.  There is still an opportunity to empathize, “You feel angry and sad that you can’t pour the milk yourself today, that’s a yucky feeling.  We’re in a rush, but on Saturday morning everyone can do their own pouring!”

 You might find yourself in a power struggle every morning because you’re preschooler wants to zip their own jacket, but you need to get them in the car quickly, it’s a set up for stress all around. 

In that case I recommend saying, “you want to zipper your own jacket-good for you.  We don’t have time for that now, but when we get home lets play a pretend game about going outside and you can try again.” 

Or, “we are in a hurry this morning.  I’m going to set the timer for 5 minutes and you can try to zipper yourself, if the timer goes off we have to leave the house, but you can try again next time.”

Or even, “I know you wanted to zipper yourself and your disappointed because you can’t, that’s frustrating.”  Sometimes just validating the feelings can help diffuse the upset. Sometimes she will still cry and you’ll have to carry her crying and flailing to the car, but she will know that she has been heard, and over time that is very meaningful.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

In the Heat of the Moment

In my last post I addressed some of the reasons behind tantrums, and stressed the importance of parents using whatever strategies work for them, of staying calm in the moment.

Knowing that we can’t always achieve the ideal calm in stressful moments, one of the other approaches that can help is to plan ahead for those inevitable tantrums or other embarrassing parenting moments!

I want to stress that when I present specific techniques, that every child is unique, and that each family has their own culture around appropriate behavior and limit setting techniques.  Some children have behavioral problems due to sensory issues or other challenging neurological or emotional challenges.  There is no “right way” that works for every family, or every situation.  I will present some strategies that are often effective, but I recommend seeking specific help, tailored to your own child/children when behavioral challenges occur frequently, and you begin to feel helpless, overly frustrated and angry, and parenting begins to feel overwhelming.

There are two main tools for different tantrum scenarios.  First is “an ounce of prevention…”
When tantrums are happening frequently, we can employ curiosity. Pay attention to whether they are happening at specific times or situations.  Is your child always having a tantrum in the late afternoon?  Is it possible she is hungry and could use a regular snack at that time?  Is it possible she is very tired, and quiet activities like a bath, or reading a story, would help her better cope in that time before dinner? 

Does your child always have a tantrum when you are at the grocery store?  Is it possible to get the groceries you need without taking her with you for a while?  There are inexpensive, easy to use, grocery delivery services like Peapod or Roche Brothers Delivery here in Massachusetts.  Is it possible to get the shopping done at a time the child is in preschool, or at a play date?  Is it possible that the child is often hungry or tired at the time you usually shop?  Can you have a snack available, or change the time accordingly?

The general idea here is to see if there is a structural problem you could change to reduce the likelihood of the tantrum.  Sometimes we don’t notice patterns because life is so hectic, but if we step back and apply some analysis, are there things in our control we can do to prevent tantrums?

Unfortunately, we can’t possibly use prevention all the time, tantrums often occur spontaneously, at random, and we don’t have the ability to use prevention as a strategy.

In that second case I turn to the familiar motto: “Be prepared.” We can take control of the situation by deciding on strategies ahead of time for tantrums, to use in the heat of the moment.  When a child is already screaming at the top of their lungs at the library, our faces are red and we are feeling helpless and mortified, its hard to calm down and think of an effective strategy.  If we have thought it up ahead, we can just plug it in-and it has the added positive effect of consistency for the child.  When they know what to expect from us, and it is consistent “enough” (see blog post February 22, 2013)) of the time, it always helps!

In my experience, as a general rule, when a tantrum occurs in a public place and it is feasible to leave, do so.  If a child begins a tantrum at the grocery store, a parent or caregiver can say, in as calm and brief a way as possible, “I see you’re upset (angry, sad, frustrated, disappointed….), we can’t scream at the grocery store (in the library, at church, mosque or synagogue, at a birthday party.), if you can’t calm down by the time I count to 10, we have to leave.”  If its something that happens frequently you can just say that the first time and in the future, just say, “no screaming in the_____, we have to leave.”  They will get the message if we follow through consistently.  It is better not to say, “we will leave”, if you can’t or won’t be able to follow through on it.  If we threaten to leave, and then don’t, children get the message that we don’t really intend to do it, and it doesn’t become a deterrent for the behavior.

If the tantrum happens at home, it is also best to have a plan for how you want to deal with it, in a way that is effective for your child in the culture of your family.  I strongly believe that it helps to first empathize with the feeling that may be behind the tantrum.  Even if it feels like an empty exercise at first, your child will be getting the message that they are “seen” and “heard”.  Again, it is always best to be brief and to the point, “You are angry that you can’t have that candy bar.  I know it feels yucky, and we need to use our words, not screaming and kicking” Then depending on what strategies work best for you or your child you can, ask them to go to their room or other safe space until they can calm down. You can hold them, if that is feasible, while they calm down.  You can give them some strategies you know in the past have helped them calm down, saying, “you can hold your soft rabbit toy, you can squeeze the stress ball….”

It is important to know that “time outs” can be effective both for children and for parents or caregivers.  If you are at home, or in a place where it is safe to leave your child alone for a few minutes to calm down, you can say, “mommy needs to take a time out” and step away and do something soothing for yourself.  As always, safety is the top priority, so you can only employ this strategy if your child will be safe if you leave them momentarily.

There are no parenting strategies that are “one size fits all”, but if we hone in on our children’s behavior with curiosity and creativity we can develop specific strategies that help us manage tantrums in way that is effective “enough” of the time!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

When tantrums inevitably arise

One of the first times parents need to start building their limit setting skills are when children first start to tantrum.

In my previous post, I stated that children’s job is to test limits, it is the way they learn the boundaries of appropriate behavior.  One of the first ways that children test us is a tantrum.  It is an inevitable challenge for parents, not a reflection of bad parenting, or a sign the child is demon spawn.  Although, in the moment, it can certainly feel like that!

Considering that most of us are quite reasonable people, it can be startling when our baby, toddler, or preschooler first starts to cry intensely about something over which you and/or they probably have no control. It seems to be wildly unreasonable.  They may cry without being able to be soothed, they may throw themselves on the floor and flail their arms and legs.  They may start to scream in a high-pitched voice that seems to reach every corner of the restaurant or grocery store, when you are in public. That same scream may get on your every nerve at home as well.

Why do our children act so unreasonable?  There is not any one reason a child has a tantrum in any given situation.  It can be helpful to understand some of the things that might be going on from a toddler/preschooler’s perspective.  They are young and small.  Often things happen to them that they didn’t anticipate and didn’t choose.  They frequently don’t have the language skills, or emotional development necessary to understand, process, and express what they are feeling.  Yet they feel passionate about what they are feeling, and need some way to let us know.

When children are about a year old, they can often, not always, be distracted from a tantrum by moving the coveted object, handing them a different toy or cup, singing a spirited song, or moving them to a different place.

It becomes much harder as the child reaches two years old and onward.  Understanding what may be behind or trigger tantrums doesn’t make dealing with them any easier!  There are a few strategies that can help.

Most important, to the extent possible, is remaining calm yourself, when a child is having a tantrum.  I know it can feel counter intuitive and amazingly difficult to stay calm when a child is screaming and thrashing, but it actually can help the child to calm down, knowing that the adult/s present are staying calm.  Often the cycle of a child crying and screaming and a parent beginning to yell actually escalates the situation.

Children get their most powerful teaching through the behavior we model for them.  If we find a way to stay calm in stressful situations, they notice and begin to see that as a possibility.  If we fly off the handle they learn that behavior as well.

This is much easier said than done!  I have found that every parent or caregiver needs to try out different strategies and see what works for them.  It is helpful to have a toolbox of strategies for use in different stressful parenting situations.

When a child begins to have a tantrum it can be helpful to try to take three long, deep breaths, in and out, counting to eight for each inhale and exhale.  You will be surprised to see how powerfully that affects your ability to calm down.  Some people prefer to slowly count to ten without focusing on the breath.  It can feel soothing to develop a self-compassion themed mantra to say to yourself in the moment, something like, “I am okay, children have tantrums, this will pass” It has to be something that’s meaningful for you.

If it is safe and possible, you can take a “time out” for yourself.  Go briefly into another room, call a supportive family member, or friend.  There is very supportive Parenting Stress Hotline 1-800-632-8188 that you can call 24/7 and talk to a trained volunteer counselor.

The key is understanding that a tantrum is uncomfortable, irritating and can feel embarrassing and infuriating.  Yet it is a child’s attempt at communication.  Something is upsetting them and they need to let us know.  They just don’t know how to do it in the reasonable manner we are accustomed to from (most) adults. We can’t control that.  But we can control how we react to a tantrum, and it will help to diffuse it.  It is also a way of teaching our children coping skills for stressful situations.

Today’s post addresses how to understand why tantrums happen and the importance of finding a way to stay calm.  In the next post I will address more about what to do with the child in the heat of the moment!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Compassionate Parenting and Limit Setting at the Same Time

In my previous post, I wrote about finding ways to be kinder and more compassionate to ourselves as parents.  We can begin to notice our inner self-critics and slowly, over time, learn to respond to ourselves with the kindness and compassion usually reserved for dear friends.  This approach ends up affecting all our interpersonal relationships, especially with our children.

Treating ourselves, and our children, in a kind and compassionate way does not mean being overly permissive, and/or accepting inappropriate behavior.

Effective limit setting is the strategy we use to teach our children to behave appropriately inside and outside our homes.  The word discipline literally means “to teach” and limit setting teaches children the acceptable and unacceptable behaviors in different spheres of their lives.  We use consequences as a way to help the children reinforce the lessons.

Sometimes children make mistakes, spilling their milk, breaking an object, or not setting the table correctly.  Sometimes children intentionally misbehave.  We have to respond to that misbehavior to teach them right from wrong, and to make clear our expectations of them.  I believe, the limit setting strategies work for both mistakes, and intentional misbehavior.  Therefore, I prefer to use the same word for responding to both-consequences, as opposed to punishment.  The end effect is the same, we teach our children by showing them that their actions have consequences, they are responsible for their actions, and responsible for rectifying the situation, or paying the negative consequence.

Here are my tips on limit setting with children in a nutshell:
1.     It is children’s job to test limits.  They are hard-wired to do so.  It is the parent’s job to set and enforce limits.
2.     Some parents are afraid their children won’t like them if they set limits.  In fact it is limits that help children to feel safe, and know that the adults in their lives are in control.  Children love their parents; it’s okay if they don’t always “like” them in a given moment.
3.     We want our children to love and respect us, but it is not our job to be their friend.  Children need us to be their parents.  We can still have warm, kind, loving and fun relationships with them, while firmly and effectively setting limits.  We can become friends with our children as they grow into adults.
4.     We have to be able to tolerate that our children will feel and act angry towards us when we set limits.  It does not mean that we are being unkind, or hurting them.  The fact that they are angry doesn’t mean that we will lose their love.
5.     Consistency is probably the most important factor in effective limit setting.  If a child knows that if they cry harder and harder, they will get the treat they are asking for in the supermarket, they will keep on crying until they get it!  It is better not to threaten a consequence, than to threaten and not follow through.
6.     It is best not to lecture or over explain while setting limits.  Children lose focus while we talk on and on.  If we engage in arguments with them about it, they may develop skills as an attorney, but their behavior will not improve.
7.     One can remain calm and set limits without shaming children.

In future posts I will go into each of these aspects in depth and provide practical strategies for achieving them.  These tips are much more easily said than done!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Talking the Talk

In my last post, I explored the idea of critical self-talk, and how that ultimately affects the way we talk to our children.  We must start by beginning to notice how we talk harshly to ourselves, in order to notice ways in which we talk harshly to our children.

Now we get to a chicken and egg sort of problem, how does one start the process of changing both the way we talk to ourselves, and the way we talk to our children?

We need to forgive ourselves for having made mistakes in our tone when we talk to our children.  We have all done it.  There are lots of understandable reasons why it happens.  We are juggling work-in or outside the home, children, issues with spouses or partners, extended family, single parenting challenges, housework, etc.  Also, children learn by testing limits so they are often pushing our buttons.

When we notice it happening in the moment, the first step is to say some kind words to ourselves.  It is the way we develop a forgiving attitude to our own mistakes. It takes a lot of practice to change our critical inner voices to positive encouragement; and leads you to run the risk of feeling silly.  Sometimes it can help to think about how you would talk to a dear friend who is in the same situation.

“Ah-here it is again-critical talk. Its okay sweetie, you’re over tired, it’s been a really hard day, give yourself a break.  At least you’re noticing it, that’s the first step.”

Kristin Neff, a psychologist and expert in self-compassion therapy approaches, beautifully illustrated how she used this approach towards herself when her young son had a tantrum on an airplane, in her Ted Talk.

It’s hard to imagine a more challenging moment; Kristin tells about how she was able to talk kindly and compassionately to herself during it, causing her to feel comfort and support.

If it’s safe and possible, take a little break from whatever you were saying or yelling harshly to your children.  You can cultivate strategies to help calm down in the moment.  Some people find it helpful to take a few deep breaths, count to ten, talk to another supportive adult.  There is a really helpful Parenting Stress Hotline-1-800-632-1818, if you find yourself needing another person to help you in a supportive way.
If you are disciplining an older child you can say, “I’m feeling really angry, we’re both upset, and I need a little break to get my thoughts together.  Lets each go into a different room for 5 minutes and then get back together.”

You may be surprised at how stopping the escalation of tempers can make a big impact on the children, just in itself.  It’s different and surprising to them.  They might deescalate a bit themselves in response.

If it feels comfortable you can engage the children in this process by saying something like, “I’m sorry I was yelling, I know no one likes to get yelled at.  I am feeling very tired and I’m frustrated because I asked you to turn off the TV three times.  But yelling is a mistake.  I will try to talk more calmly.”

In talking like this, you are not sanctioning their misbehavior, or saying that something doesn’t need to be done, you are just taking responsibility for the tone, modeling ways for them to calm down themselves.  You will still need to set appropriate limits, but you will be approaching it in a calm, manner. The word discipline means to teach: we are teaching our children appropriate behavior, both by the limits, and the manner in which we set them.

I will continue to write about self-compassion, parenting, and how to develop effective, firm, but kind limit setting.  These are the cornerstones of the approach I refer to as “Middle Ground Parenting.”

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Critical Voices

Recently, I attended Christopher Germer’s inspiring training about mindfulness and self-compassion. I referred to his book, The Mindful Path to Self Compassion in a previous post about parents learning to be kind to themselves.

During the seminar, Germer emphasized the toxicity of self-criticism. 

We all do it.  When we don’t do as well as we had hoped at work, or on a task at home, we talk to ourselves in ways we would never think about addressing our friends.

“You are a loser, you suck, you didn’t deserve that raise, clumsy oaf” 

We criticize ourselves about our weight, our food choices, and our level of activity.

“You are a fat pig, do you really need that candy bar, and you are so lazy.”

We often have a negative, continuous reel, of these, and other self-insults, playing in our heads at any given time.

There has long been a misconception that speaking harshly to oneself is the most effective way to get motivated.  It makes me think of sports coaches in films and television who yell at and berate the players, to improve their performance.

Germer, and other psychologists and social scientists have recently begun to scientifically measure the efficacy of this approach.

Dr.Kristin Neff, an Associate Professor in Human Development and Culture, Educational Psychology Department at the University of Texas at Austin writes:

“Research shows that self-critics are much more likely to be anxious and depressed -- not exactly get-up-and-go mindsets. They also have lower self-efficacy beliefs (i.e., self-confidence in their abilities), which undermines their potential for success. The habit of self-criticism engenders fear of failure, meaning that self-critics often don't even try achieving their goals because the possibility of failure is unacceptable. Even more problematic, self-critics have a hard time seeing themselves clearly and identifying needed areas of improvement because they know the self-punishment that will ensue if they admit the truth. Much better to deny there's a problem or, even better, blame it on someone else.”

All this is extremely relevant to parenting.  When I meet with parents in my coaching practice they often say, “I listen to myself yelling at the kids, and it’s not the way I want to talk to them, but I get so frustrated, and angry.” Or “This isn’t how I imagined talking to my children, but when I start to feel at the end of my rope, it just escalates. Then I feel really bad about myself.”

Parents often think of their children as an extension of themselves.

If we talk so critically to ourselves, there is much more chance that we will talk to our children, in a harsh critical tone as well. 

As parents, we need to teach our children appropriate ways to behave; we need to set limits.  We also need to help them develop the self discipline to accomplish their tasks, and learn to problem solve.

However, if we do it in harsh critical tones, they will be much less likely to actually develop those skills.   We will unintentionally pass on a generational cycle of self-criticism.

So where do we start to change this cycle? 

As always, we need to start with ourselves.

We need to find ways to switch to a much kinder and more compassionate tape in our heads. We must start to pay attention to how we are talking to ourselves.

One way to start is to begin to be curious about our self-critical thoughts, and to begin to notice when they are happening.

Hmm, I just called myself a loser.  That’s a pretty harsh statement.  What would I say to a dear friend who said that about himself or herself? 

Then, practice saying that statement to yourself.  Even repeating it to yourself a few times.

This may sound simplistic, but we have a long history of being self-critics.  We need to start somewhere, and change one small self-interaction at a time.

We want to guide and teach our children, but not in a manner that criticizes them harshly. 

There are a lot of more formal and structured ways to decrease self-criticism.  I will write about more about this, and the general topic of self-compassion, in future posts.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Can we take our children's behavior less personally?

In my last post, I pointed out that many of my clients express a fear that they are the only ones who are having trouble managing their children’s behavior in public and in private. “Everyone else seems to be doing it better!”  In reality, all parents struggle with how to teach their children appropriate behavior, and how to manage it when their children misbehave.

Part of what makes the whole process so hard, is that as parents, we feel so very vulnerable and judged about the way we are parenting.  We are all human, and what could be more sensitive than the way our children are behaving. After all, we gave birth to them, or adopted them, or are fostering them.  Often they look quite a lot like us physically!  We think about what we were like at their age, and how our parents approached our behavior.  And other than our partners, they are the people we love and care about most in the world.  And they know how to push our buttons!

Also, we are not making it up: people are judgmental, a separate but interesting topic in itself!  These children are so precious to us; we can’t help but take heir behavior very personally. We are a part of the same culture as those outside that may judge, as we result, we can end up being the harshest critics and judges of ourselves.

How do we cope with all this: do right by our children, find ways to not take their behavior so personally, and not get overwhelmed by feelings of shame and embarrassment of feeling so exposed?  These are complex dilemmas, and there are no simple strategies to address them.  However, we are ahead of the game just by being aware that all of this is in play in our day to day parenting, and exploring ways to address them.

Start with finding ways not to take our children’s behavior so personally!  When my son was three, my husband and I were out in the front yard of our home, and there was a man across the street mowing his lawn.  My son looked at my husband and said, “I hate you!” My husband and I were both a little shocked, and took a few moments to respond.  In the interim my son quickly recanted, “ I don’t hate you, I hate the man across the street mowing the lawn.”  My husband and I still joke about it to this day.

Toddlers are complicated little beings, and they are exploring who they are, how they are separate from their parents, and how to understand their emotions.  From birth, children are involved in those explorations, differently, in each developmental stage. 

Babies aren’t being manipulative when they are hungry and crying to be fed, or changed, or held.  They have needs, and they are dependent on us to meet those needs.  As they grow, to a year old or so, there is a dance around whether they need to have all their needs met immediately, or whether they can develop an ability to soothe themselves.  As they are more mobile, and more able to communicate verbally, we begin to have to set limits for their safety, and make more demands on them to wait a bit, for what they want.

Suddenly, there is more room for parents to interpret a child’s behavior as manipulative, to fear “spoiling them”, to be frustrated, angry, or disappointed by their behavior. It’s a hard transition: there is a tug around the child being dependent and independent for children and for parents.

An added complication to this dynamic is that the way healthy children learn these developmental tasks by testing out limits.  And we, as parents, are the ones being tested.  Often that feels pretty challenging; it becomes hard not to interpret their behavior as something they are consciously doing to make our lives difficult.  Additionally, all this happens in a very public way, hence the vulnerability and opportunity for parents to feel shame.

I believe that children are not as a rule, manipulative, or trying to give us a hard time.  They are trying to figure out who they are, and how the world works.  We get the daunting task of being their teachers.

A fundamental concept in trying to de-personalize our children’s behavior is the understanding that they are just trying to do their job. If we can manage to reframe their behavior in this context, it can help towards not feeling like they are purposely trying to make our lives miserable!

This blog is an attempt at building a “middle ground” parenting approach. 

One of the first, underlying steps is becoming aware that we need to understand how we are affected by fear of judgments from outsiders, and our own self-judgment.   We can understand the process of child development in the context of a child learning appropriate behavior by testing limits, and by our setting, and consistently enforcing those limits.  

We can’t control how and when are children test us, but with thought, and guidance we can come up with strategies and approaches in which to ease the tension of this natural process for ourselves and hence for them.

And we can be kind and compassionate to our children and equally as importantly: to ourselves. Outsiders can be judgmental, but this understanding of child development can be a part of learning to not judge ourselves harshly, to not blame ourselves for natural child behavior, to know what we can and cannot control.  

The first step in this, as in most things, is to be conscious that taking our children’s behavior personally, interpreting it as intentionally geared to annoy us, stops us from being as effective as we can be in teaching our children appropriate behavior.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Why do other people’s children seem better behaved?

Just this week, in my parent coaching practice, four sets of parents separately said to me, “When I see other families, at the restaurant or at the mall; it looks like they have it under control.  My child/children are screaming, running around, crying, and bouncing off the wall like little monkeys (or some other such mammalian creature).  Other people’s kids are sitting still, eating politely, conversing and behaving perfectly!” 

I am a parent and I know that in the moment, that is how it really feels.  We usually can’t identify what it is we feel, but often, at the root of it is shame.  In those moments we feel like we are bad parents, and that makes us feel like we are bad people.

Shame is a really uncomfortable, painful emotion and it’s natural to try to push it away. So we understandably replace the shame with depression or with anger at our children, for putting us in this situation. As a result, unintentionally, we can lash out at them, cause them to feel shame and that they are bad people, as opposed to people that behaved badly.

In reality, if so many of the people I talk to feel this way then it could not possibly be true that everyone else is “parenting better”.  When our child is screaming in a restaurant, or having a tantrum in a supermarket, we worry we are being judged; we feel embarrassed and alone.  In that moment, it seems like we are the only one who experiences this behavior with our children.  Yet most of us do.

Children are learning how to behave appropriately at home and in public from when they are babies.  One of the prominent ways children do this is by testing.  They will try out behaviors to see how we react and how other people react.  By doing this, and dealing with the repercussions, they learn what they can and can’t do behaviorally.  This testing is their job.  It is our job to set appropriate limits, and use positive discipline, so they will learn those lessons about appropriate behavior.  But it is important for us to do it in a way that is not shaming for them.  And it is important for us not to feel shame because they are testing.  It is not a reflection on our parenting skill or lack thereof, it is not because we are bad, or did something wrong, it is what children do.

So the first step is to try to remind yourself, that you are not alone and that all parents experience this.  If grandparents or parents of older children say their children didn’t do that, it’s just that they’ve forgotten.  They blocked out the embarrassing experiences and remember mostly the positive or funny ones. (That’s a comforting fact as well!)

If there are uncompassionate people, forgetful of their own experience, or haven’t spent much time around children -that give you a look, or a comment, or a judgmental whisper aside to their companions, we have to develop ways to let that go.  They are the ones with the problem.  The way we feel about ourselves and the way we respond to our children is so much more important than the unfair judgments of passers by.

If we become filled with shame, we feel bad about ourselves and internalize it.  Or we get angry and lash out at the children.  It ends up hurting them and us.

We do need to deal with it when children misbehave in private or in public.  If a child is having a tantrum we need to try to pick them up, and without lecturing or long speeches, with as much calmness as we can muster, and get out of the restaurant, mall, birthday party.  If a child is misbehaving in a place of worship or making loud noise in a quiet situation like a wedding, lecture or movie, we didn’t do anything wrong as parents. They were just being children, and we need to remove them from the situation.

Some children are naturally more compliant and need to do less testing, either in private, in public, or both.  This doesn’t mean they are better or that the children who test more are worse.  Everyone is born hardwired with a certain temperament.  We can’t control that.  But we can control how we react, and how we develop strategies to approach effective, non-shaming discipline.  I will go into more depth limit setting and positive discipline techniques in future posts.

Friday, March 15, 2013

First we listen...then....

Listening is the way we get our cues to who our child is, how they are doing, and what they need.  It is how we can behave compassionately to our children, and teach them to behave compassionately towards others as well.  Listening is also the way we diffuse heated situations so the child can calm down enough to be able to problem solve. 

Inevitably situations will arise wherein children misbehave: they may have tantrums, try to do something unsafe, not put away their toys, etc.  The problems can be anywhere on a spectrum from small and mild to large and dangerous. We teach our children appropriate ways to behave towards themselves, others, inside the family, and outside the family, by using limit setting.  After empathetic listening, limit setting is the next tool in our parenting repertoire.

I have often turned to The Explosive Child, a book by physician Dr. Ross Greene, when parents are having a hard time with their children’s behavior.  Dr. Greene wrote the book to address especially challenging behavior from children who are often diagnosed with psychological or behavioral problems.  I have found most of the concepts in the book to be relevant to parenting and setting limits in general.

Dr. Greene posits and emphasizes that children do well, if they can!  They want to please their parents, receive attention from their parents, and if they can behave well, they will.  If they are not behaving well, something is getting in their way.  They may not know how to do what they are being asked to do, they might be having trouble managing strong feelings or they may have trouble with impulse control. There can be many sources of the difficulty. 

I am not suggesting that therefore we should allow misbehavior, or not set limits.  That is exactly what we need to do.  We can set those limits, and address those challenging behaviors in the context of teaching the child the skills they need to learn, and figuring out what is getting in their way.

In limit setting it is really important for actions to match words.  If parents say you can’t have ice cream this afternoon, and after children plead and cajole parents say yes; they will learn that "no" does not mean "no".  If you ask them to do a task, putting away toys, putting out the garbage and they say, “I will,” but never do it, and you lecture and nag, and then do it yourself, they will learn that they don’t really have to do the task.

If there is one word that is most important in limit setting it is consistency.  It is important that limits be set consistently and consequences be meted out consistently.

Children will test rules.  That is their job.  It is the way they discover the boundaries of acceptable behavior and whether there are limits in place to keep them safe.  They start testing at two years old and keep on going right through their teens.

We don’t need to punish children for testing; but we need to respond to them with very clearly stated rules and consequences if they don’t follow the rules.  The consequences are not the same as punishment; they are ways to teach children acceptable behavior.  All through life there are consequences for behavior, and in our home children can learn that in a safe, respectful, and loving environment.

Parents can have a tendency to want to be their children’s friend, and to want their children always to “like them”.  Children don’t need their parents to be their friends.  They need their parents to be their parents.  You can have a close, loving and fun relationship with your child but there need to be really clear limits of behavior established.  Sometimes your children will be angry with you, or think you’re mean for saying no; but that should not dictate your behavior. Children ultimately need and want their parents to be in control. They will test limits but ultimately they too want to know their parents are in control, and feel unsafe when that does not seem to be the case.

Children need firm limits. As they grow older they also need to be given more control, freedom, and responsibility.  So in essence it is a balancing act.  When they are two years old it is all about limit setting. As they get older it becomes about teaching them their own problem solving skills, giving them a chance to take on responsibility and become accountable for their own behavior.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Empathetic Listening

Being heard
is so close to being loved
that for the average person,
they are almost indistinguishable.
-David Augsberger

As I explore the concept of “Middle Ground” Parenting ©2013 I want to explore more deeply the idea of empathetic listening.  I see this as a key aspect of parenting effectively.  This is a huge topic and this post will just start to explore it.

When our children are infants we are very focused on listening because that’s really the only way we can know if there is something they need. We listen to their cries, their deep breathing of sleep, their coos when they are content.  We intuitively feel a sense of urgency to know what they are communicating and to try and meet those needs.  The baby begins to know that we love them and they can trust us because of this listening.

As children get older, they begin to develop gestures and then words to communicate what they need and want, we sometimes forget how important it is for us to keep listening.  And as they grow, what we are listening for is a bit different. We’ve moved beyond hunger for a feeding, a wet diaper, the need for holding and comfort.   The child is becoming a more complicated entity, they have needs and wants we no longer can or should meet immediately.  They are establishing their own independent little selves.  We have to keep them safe as they are moving around in the world and we have to set some limits to their behavior.

When we go beyond the basic needs of food, body and soothing, and get to situations where the child wants something they can’t have-we can listen for the feelings beneath their words.  It is our ability to listen, to understand, and be compassionate to their feelings, that is probably our most powerful and effective parenting tool.  They will feel understood and heard and loved, even as they are feeling more frustration, anger, and disappointment.  In time, we will help them to learn to name those feelings themselves, and better ways of expressing those feelings.

Somewhere around the age of 18 months children begin to develop more of a sense of the meaning of no.  You will see a child toddle to an outlet, turn around and look at you and then start to put their finger near it, you say “No” They are beginning to understand that there are things they won’t be allowed to do but they are going to keep testing those limits.  Also they don’t necessarily retain the concept, and we have to keep saying that “No” and most often have to simply remove them from unsafe situations, and distract them from those activities.

We really start beginning our limit setting/discipline with our children when they are about 2 years old.  Often around this time and for the next few years’ children continue testing the limits frequently.  They know they want things; they don’t really have the skills or the power to get them.  Often they don’t even know themselves what it is that they want.  They don’t have the ability to appropriately communicate their frustration, and the tantrums begin!

It is at this very early stage where we can start to actively practice those same attuned listening skills we used when our children were infants.  When a child begins to tantrum, or have a “melt down” one of the most powerful, disarming, effective tools we can use is to name the feeling behind their upset. 

Whether we, as adults think the reason behind their upset is justified or makes sense, the fact is that they are in distress.  If we say, “We’ve been at the park all morning, you’ve had long enough to play, or why are you giving mommy a hard time, I let you play for two hours, you know you’re tired and need your nap"-they will only get increasingly upset.

So when your two –four year old child suddenly starts to cry and flail, you can say, “Molly is angry, she wants to stay at the park and we have to go.  Its hard being angry.”  I am not suggesting that in that moment, the child will stop crying and say “thank you mother, you helped me identify my feelings, of course we need to go, its time for my nap.” You will probably have to pick them up, tears and flailing and all, and put them in the car.

But when you acknowledge your child’s feelings, even if you can’t change the outcome of leaving the park, they get the message, you are listening to them, you understand that they have feelings of frustration; you are compassionate to those feelings.  In some cases that feeling of being heard can be enough to diffuse the tantrum.

It can be helpful to think about this in terms of your own experience.  If you are disappointed because your partner forgot to acknowledge your birthday in the morning and they say, “Don’t be so dramatic, birthdays aren’t such a big deal for adults,” or “I’ve had a crazy day at work please don’t add to my stress.” How would you feel?  On the other hand if your partner said, “I’m sorry honey, it must have been disappointing that I didn’t say happy birthday-I love you and happy birthday.”- wouldn’t you feel a lot better?  You might feel heard and understood, and loved-even if your partner did something that upset you.

Sometimes identifying your child's specific feeling can be difficult, because the feelings are not directly related to the activity he is upset about.  He may still be holding on to hurt from a friend’s mean comment, or hasn’t had enough sleep.  The main task is to identify a feeling that seems reflected by the child’s behavior.  They can always correct you, and its still experienced as supportive.  Also at a later time you can look back at the incident and think about other emotional and or physical aspects that may have influenced the tantrum!

As you listen empathetically and name your child’s feelings, she begins to learn the skills to identify what she is feeling, and you will eventually teach her ways to communicate those feelings other than with tantrums.  In addition to that, you are modeling how to listen compassionately to and communicate with others effectively.

Empathetic listening isn’t a magic trick, or manipulation, it’s a way of connecting with your child, communicating that they are heard and loved, even when there is conflict.  This interaction is the building block for communication with your child all through life.  And it’s never to late to start.

Friday, February 22, 2013

"Good Enough" Parenting

When I had a 6-week-old infant and a 3-year-old son I started social work school.  It was challenging to parent young children and be in graduate school but I was fortunate to be able to do it part time, and like all parents I juggled my different commitments. 

In the mandatory Human Development class, which covered birth to death, I learned about all the major theories of child development.  It was daunting to be aware of all these important impacts of parenting while I was so busy juggling life with two young children.  So I vividly remember sighing a deep sigh of relief when we learned two aspects of child development profoundly reassuring and comforting: “good enough mothering”, and “necessary empathic failure”.

Donald W. Winnicott in The Child, the Family, and the Outside World (Middlesex 1973) talked about the idea of “good enough” mothering.  He wrote specifically about mothering in the context of his times, which didn’t include the concept of fathers’ involvement or the idea of other caregivers.  I will use an expanded version of “good enough” parenting to include all of them. 

The idea is that there is no need or ultimately even no desire for parents to be perfect at what they do.  Parents need to be loving towards their children, to try and become attuned to their communications and needs, and of course to keep them safe.  However, parents can’t always succeed in anticipating needs and addressing them and more than that-they shouldn’t!

In fact it is when we are not able to meet every need, in the context of a safe and loving environment that the baby and then the young child begins to build important skills like soothing themselves and being able to fall asleep.  It allows them to be able to develop some age appropriate separation from their parents.  This leads to children learning to tolerate disappointment and develop problem-solving skills for themselves.  Heinz Kohut the founder of self-psychology referred to this concept as “necessary empathic failure”. 

When we are present and attuned most of the time, the child learns to trust that her parents will be there for her and that the world is a safe place. Then when she experiences some disappointment or mis-attunement in a given instance, she is able to trust that everything will ultimately be okay and in that context begin to develop her own skills in soothing herself.  Thus these lapses are necessary empathic failures.

In our culture today there is a strong tendency towards parents aiming for perfection, and for meeting children’s needs as fully and immediately as people.   This continues even after the infant years in the idea that children have to have the “important toys”, go to the best specific preschools, cultivate numerous extracurricular activities, do the best on standardized tests… the list is long and seemingly endless.  One of the sad by-products of this pressure is that parents judge themselves harshly if they feel they are not providing all these things. They can also put undue pressure on their children to always excel.

The reality is there is no way to be a perfect parent and in fact it would be detrimental to the child if we were perfect.  We need to have those small lapses in empathy and attunement in order that our children develop vital capabilities of self-soothing, learn how to tolerate disappointment and build problem solving skills.

With most of us juggling work, school, children, caring for elderly parents, community responsibilities, some of us single parenting, we can’t meet every need of our child.  We can take comfort in the fact that as long as we are loving, attentive when we can be, provide a safe environment, we are doing a good enough job.  Our children will grow, and thrive, and develop the needed skills to become safe, happy, independent adults.