One dilemma that comes up in parenting is wanting to
instill the drive for positive, productive, accomplished behavior, but not
wanting to produce children that don’t have the skills to manage when they are
not great at something, or when they try and fail.
Sometimes children make mistakes, and sometimes they
misbehave. When they make
mistakes, we can provide an environment safe enough to admit the mistake. We can encourage them to try to do
something to correct it if possible or appropriate. It is okay for children to feel upset that they did
something wrong. This is how they
develop a conscience, and this is how they discover that it feels better when
they don’t misbehave!
What we want to avoid is children feeling like they “are
bad” as opposed to have acted in a bad way. This sense of feeling like one is bad is shame. Shame is a devastating emotion, and
gives rise to feelings of depression, and low self esteem.
Self-esteem is a bit of a controversial concept these
days. Some people think parents
got too conscious of self esteem by making sports teams less competitive,
giving every child a trophy, emphatically praising every scribbled picture,
ignoring misbehavior in the name of not stifling their creativity
I believe that children need to love themselves, and feel
that they are basically good. This
does not come from letting children misbehave rather than hurt their feelings,
giving every member of the team an MVP trophy, or praising things that the
children know themselves are not very skillfully done.
Children feel good when they are unconditionally loved, when
we listen to them, and they know that they are seen and heard. Children feel self esteem when they are
taught what the limits are, get firm but kind responses when they test them,
and appropriate consequences when they misbehave. They feel good about themselves when they get very specific
praise for their accomplishments, and in age appropriate ways begin to do tasks
for themselves successfully.
It is great for them to be in an environment where they can
try new things, and know they will be rewarded for effort even if it takes time
to succeed at the new task. They
benefit from hearing that everyone isn’t the best at every task; everyone has
their own strengths and challenges.
They thrive when they know that everyone makes mistakes, and
sometimes behaves inappropriately, but that they can be corrected or
disciplined without feeling shame, i.e.: feeling that they are intrinsically
bad. They thrive when they know
discipline occurs in the context of unconditional love.
It can be comforting to remember that the most effective
form of teaching children is modeling ourselves the behavior we would like to
see from them. If they see us misbehave or make a mistake, and we can admit it
and talk about it, they are much more likely to be able to do so as well.
For misbehavior, we can emphasize that the behavior was not
appropriate but we will always love them! Then it is important to do the
teaching about what was problematic about the behavior. It can be easy for us
as adults to think that children know as much as we do about what is
appropriate and inappropriate behavior. In reality, they don’t necessarily intuitively know
that, and it’s our job to teach them.
If they have been previously told about a specific
misbehavior, and continue to do it, we can establish consequences for
misbehaving, that we put into effect quickly and consistently, if possible
without losing control or yelling, and without long lectures. These are not effective.
If they make a mistake, we can point out that everyone makes
mistakes, the important thing is to own up to it, apologize and if possible
make amends.
There is an important difference between misbehavior and
mistakes, although with children, it can sometimes be hard to tell which is
actually happening!
Most parents have the experience of coming into a room,
literally seeing a child obviously misbehaving or breaking a family rule, and when
confronted, the child denies it. Or
similarly, a child accidentally spills something, but they blame it on a
sibling. If this happens frequently, or over time, it may be a sign that
children are feeling so worried about misbehavior, or making a mistake that
they need to lie about it by denying it or blaming someone else.
There are mistakes like accidentally knocking over your
water with your elbow, which are unintentional. These things happen, and it’s great to have a handy phrase
like, “oops, a mistake, it happens.” If appropriate the child can help in
cleaning it up. If this happens
frequently it may be helpful to see of there’s something preventative that can
be done, by providing a cup with a lid on busy mornings or
Children can also insist on doing a task like pouring water
for themselves when they don’t yet have that fine or gross motor skill motor
needed for the task.
This is an instance where balance is really important. Children really benefit from learning
to take risks, and try things, even if they fail. It’s so important for them to
be able to do that in a safe place like your home.
But the busy morning rush on a school day might not be the
best time to try. So again,
preventatively, you can try to find a small plastic picture with a lid that’s
easier to negotiate, or have the liquids all poured out before the child comes
to the table. In the interest of
time, and your own sanity you might just need to pour out the drink, despite
the child getting upset about wanting to do it herself. There is still an opportunity to
empathize, “You feel angry and sad that you can’t pour the milk yourself today,
that’s a yucky feeling. We’re in a
rush, but on Saturday morning everyone can do their own pouring!”
You might find
yourself in a power struggle every morning because you’re preschooler wants to
zip their own jacket, but you need to get them in the car quickly, it’s a set
up for stress all around.
In that case I recommend saying, “you want to zipper your
own jacket-good for you. We don’t
have time for that now, but when we get home lets play a pretend game about
going outside and you can try again.”
Or, “we are in a hurry this morning. I’m going to set the timer for 5
minutes and you can try to zipper yourself, if the timer goes off we have to
leave the house, but you can try again next time.”
Or even, “I know you wanted to zipper yourself and your
disappointed because you can’t, that’s frustrating.” Sometimes just validating the feelings can help diffuse the
upset. Sometimes she will still cry and you’ll have to carry her crying and
flailing to the car, but she will know that she has been heard, and over time
that is very meaningful.