Recently, I
attended Christopher Germer’s inspiring training about mindfulness and
self-compassion. I referred to his book, The Mindful Path to Self Compassion in a previous post about
parents learning to be kind to themselves.
During the
seminar, Germer emphasized the toxicity of self-criticism.
We all do
it. When we don’t do as well as we
had hoped at work, or on a task at home, we talk to ourselves in ways we would
never think about addressing our friends.
“You are a loser, you suck, you didn’t
deserve that raise, clumsy oaf”
We criticize
ourselves about our weight, our food choices, and our level of activity.
“You are a fat pig, do you really need
that candy bar, and you are so lazy.”
We often have a
negative, continuous reel, of these, and other self-insults, playing in our
heads at any given time.
There has long
been a misconception that speaking harshly to oneself is the most effective way
to get motivated. It makes me
think of sports coaches in films and television who yell at and berate the
players, to improve their performance.
Germer, and
other psychologists and social scientists have recently begun to scientifically
measure the efficacy of this approach.
Dr.Kristin Neff, an Associate Professor in
Human Development and Culture, Educational Psychology Department at the University
of Texas at Austin writes:
shows that self-critics are much more likely to be anxious and depressed -- not
exactly get-up-and-go mindsets. They also have lower self-efficacy beliefs (i.e.,
self-confidence in their abilities), which undermines their potential for
success. The habit of self-criticism engenders fear of failure, meaning that
self-critics often don't even try achieving their goals because the possibility
of failure is unacceptable. Even more problematic, self-critics have a hard
time seeing themselves clearly and identifying needed areas of improvement
because they know the self-punishment that will ensue if they admit the truth.
Much better to deny there's a problem or, even better, blame it on someone
this is extremely relevant to parenting.
When I meet with parents in my coaching practice they often say, “I
listen to myself yelling at the kids, and it’s not the way I want to talk to
them, but I get so frustrated, and angry.” Or “This isn’t how I imagined
talking to my children, but when I start to feel at the end of my rope, it just
escalates. Then I feel really bad about myself.”
often think of their children as an extension of themselves.
we talk so critically to ourselves, there is much more chance that we will talk
to our children, in a harsh critical tone as well.
parents, we need to teach our children appropriate ways to behave; we need to
set limits. We also need to help
them develop the self discipline to accomplish their tasks, and learn to
problem solve.
if we do it in harsh critical tones, they will be much less likely to actually
develop those skills. We
will unintentionally pass on a generational cycle of self-criticism.
where do we start to change this cycle?
always, we need to start with ourselves.
need to find ways to switch to a much kinder and more compassionate tape in our
heads. We must start to pay attention to how we are talking to ourselves.
way to start is to begin to be curious about our self-critical thoughts, and to
begin to notice when they are happening.
Hmm, I just called myself a loser. That’s a pretty harsh statement. What would I say to a dear friend who
said that about himself or herself?
practice saying that statement to yourself. Even repeating it to yourself a few times.
may sound simplistic, but we have a long history of being self-critics. We need to start somewhere, and change
one small self-interaction at a time.
want to guide and teach our children, but not in a manner that criticizes them
are a lot of more formal and structured ways to decrease self-criticism. I will write about more about this, and
the general topic of self-compassion, in future posts.
I also believe that if we talk aloud and criticize ourselves our children will strive for perfection, which is an unrealistic goal. They need to know that we all make mistakes and it is ok, everything is a learning experience, GREAT POST THANK YOU!